What is Michael Jordan’s Wingspan?

Michael Jordan's Wingspan

Michael Jordan, often referred to as MJ, is widely recognized as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He had a legendary career spanning 15 seasons primarily with the Chicago Bulls in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Jordan, a six-time NBA champion and five-time NBA MVP, was known for his scoring prowess, defensive tenacity, and clutch play, often making the difference in crucial moments.

The significance of wingspan in basketball cannot be overstated. A player’s wingspan, the distance from fingertip to fingertip with arms fully extended, can often exceed their height, providing a competitive advantage on both ends of the court. It’s instrumental in offensive play, enabling farther reach on layups, dunks, and shot releases, thereby making shots more difficult to block.

On the defensive end, a larger wingspan allows players to contest shots more effectively, disrupt passing lanes, and secure rebounds. Jordan’s wingspan was an integral part of his arsenal, contributing significantly to his success on the court.

Michael Jordan's Wingspan (1)
Michael Jordan’s Wingspan picture

Why Wingspan important in Basketball?

A larger wingspan in basketball provides a distinct edge for several reasons. Offensively, it allows players to shoot the ball from a higher point, making it difficult for defenders to block. Additionally, a longer wingspan enables players to reach the basket more easily, improving their ability to execute layups and dunks. Defensively, a greater wingspan allows players to contest shots more effectively, making it harder for opposing players to score.

Furthermore, it aids in disrupting passing lanes, thus increasing the chances of steals and deflections. Additionally, when it comes to rebounding, players with longer wingspans have a clear advantage as they can reach higher and tap the ball into their possession. In essence, a larger wingspan, like Michael Jordan’s, can significantly impact a player’s effectiveness and versatility on the court.

Michael Jordan’s Wingspan

Michael Jordan’s wingspan measures an impressive 6 feet 11 inches (211 cm), a figure that’s notably more extensive than his height. This exceptional wingspan to height ratio was a key factor that underpinned Jordan’s dominance on the court.

Jordan stands 6 feet 6 inches (198 cm) tall, which means his wingspan is 5 inches (13 cm) greater than his height. This difference, while seemingly small, had significant implications on his gameplay. The extended reach that Jordan’s wingspan provided enabled him to easily maneuver the ball away from defenders, complete dunks, and shoot from a higher point, thereby making his shots more challenging to block. It also enhanced his defensive capabilities, allowing him to disrupt passes and secure rebounds more effectively.

In comparing his wingspan to his height, it becomes clear how this physical attribute played into Jordan’s winning strategy. His superior wingspan helped cement his status as one of the most skilled and versatile players in NBA history, showcasing how crucial this aspect is in the sport of basketball.

Impact of Jordan’s Wingspan on His Career

Michael Jordan’s exceptional wingspan was a key determinant of his illustrious career, contributing considerably to his remarkable skills on the basketball court. His longer reach, courtesy of his 6 feet 11 inches wingspan, allowed him to execute powerful dunks, such as his iconic “Air Jordan” dunk from the free-throw line, which not only mesmerized audiences but also showcased his physical prowess.

His wingspan also played a strategic role in his defensive game. It enabled him to block shots effectively and disrupt opponents’ passing lanes, leading to numerous steals — Jordan averaged 2.3 steals per game over his career, culminating in a total of 2,514 steals, placing him third on the NBA’s all-time steals list.

Moreover, Jordan’s extended reach made him an excellent rebounder for a guard. Despite not naturally being a player expected to gather many rebounds, Jordan averaged 6.2 rebounds per game throughout his career, a testament to his relentless pursuit of the ball and his advantageous wingspan.

In essence, Jordan’s significant wingspan, coupled with his unmatched athleticism and skill, contributed immensely to his success on the court, highlighting how integral physical attributes can be in shaping a player’s career in basketball.

Comparison to Other NBA Players

When comparing Michael Jordan’s wingspan with those of other NBA greats, it becomes clear that a longer wingspan is a common trait among many successful players.

For instance, LeBron James, another player frequently included in the “greatest of all time” conversation, boasts a wingspan of about 7 feet (213 cm) – slightly more than Jordan’s.

Similarly, the late Kobe Bryant, another legendary player, had a wingspan measuring about 6 feet 11 inches (211 cm) – equal to Jordan’s. This comparison shows that an extended wingspan, much like Jordan’s, is a shared characteristic among many of the game’s most successful players.

Analysis of the Relationship Between Wingspan and Success in the NBA

The correlation between wingspan and success in the NBA is evident. A larger wingspan can improve a player’s offensive and defensive capabilities, as discussed with respect to Michael Jordan. However, it’s important to note that while wingspan is a significant factor, it isn’t the sole determinant of success. Other factors, such as skill level, basketball IQ, work ethic, and athleticism, all play a crucial role as well.

Players with a large wingspan have a physical advantage, but this advantage must be leveraged with skill and strategy. There’s a multitude of players with impressive wingspans who have not achieved the same level of success as Jordan, James or Bryant. Thus, while an extended wingspan is a desirable physical attribute in basketball and can certainly contribute to a player’s success, it must be underscored that success in the NBA depends on a blend of physical characteristics, skills, and attributes.


Michael Jordan’s exceptional wingspan of 6 feet 11 inches significantly contributed to his stellar career in the NBA. This physical attribute provided a competitive edge on both offensive and defensive ends, enabling him to maneuver the ball effectively, block shots, disrupt passes, and secure rebounds.

However, while wingspan is a valuable advantage in basketball, it’s only one element in the equation of success. Jordan’s extraordinary achievements were not only a product of his considerable wingspan but also his unparalleled skill, intelligence, and determination in the game.


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